Call for Nominations for G M Syed Memorial Award 2008
G M Syed Memorial Committee (GMC) and the World Sindhi Congress (WSC)invite nominations for the Saeen G M Syed Memorial 2008. This awardhas been established to honor the memory of Mr. Syed and encouragethose who share his dreams of freedom of Sindh and other oppressednations in Pakistan . Each year, this award is granted to 1-2 activistsor scholars who have made exceptional contributions to peace andjustice in Sindh or to knowledge about Sindh. Each recipient receivesa medal, a certificate and a cash award (currently US $250).Last three years, a few renowned scholars and leaders, Mr KeeratBabani of Mumbai, India, Mr. Ibrahim Joyo of Jamshoro, Sindh, Pakistanand Dr. Motilal Jotwani of Delhi, India, Mr. Sobho Gianchandani ofLarkano, Sindh, Azad Qazi of Karachi, Sindh, Mohan Gehani of Dubai,UAE, Kahdim Soomro of Sindh, Dr. Ghanshyam Parkash of India and DrSfadra Sarki of USA were conferred with this prestigious award, inrecognition "to their exceptional contributions to Sindhi culture,identity and Sindhi rights movement."All persons who have been active in Sindhi rights movement may benominated for the award; their contribution to the movement may havebeen through writing speaking, lobbying, or other activities topromote the movement. The individual may belong to any organization;however, current office bearers of WSC, GMC and members of theSelection Committee are ineligible.For nominations please send (1) brief biography, (2) personalinformation (name, address, phone, email, and organizationalaffiliations) , (3) details about activities that led to thenomination, (4) list of published works if any. Please limitnomination materials to five pages. They may be written in anylanguage. Nominators should also provide brief information aboutthemselves. Self-nominations are also accepted.Send all materials to GMC by post to 8427 Tamayo Dr. , Houston , TX77083 , USA , by fax at +;1-866-366-9603 or by e-mail atworldsindhicongress The last date to receive nominations isNovember 30th, 2008.The award will be presented at the G M Syed Birthday Commemoration tobe held in January 2009 to be held in Houston , TX .About Saeen G M Syed, a visionary leader who pioneered the Sindhifreedom movement, remains a beacon of the Sindhi people's struggle fornational self-determination. He was repeatedly detained and imprisonedby Pakistani authorities, spending more than thirty years withouttrial or ever being charged. He died in custody in 1995. The AmnestyInternational adopted him as a Prisoner of Conscience. Mr. Syed wroteextensively on Sindhi identity, history, and political conditions inSindh. His views continue to inspire Sindhi writers, poets, politicaland civic leaders, and social and religious activists. He is widelyrespected for his forthrightness, courage, simplicity, andinsightfulness.About the World Sindhi Congress is a human rights advocacyorganization based in the UK and USA . It aims to create a betterunderstanding among the international community about thedisadvantaged status of Sindhis in Pakistan and about Sindhi people'sstruggles for their human rights, including the right toself-determination. In addition, WSC strives to create an associationof Sindhis around the world. WSC is a registered company in Englandand Wales , UK and California , USA , organized to carry out non-profitactivities only. Saeen G M Syed served as the Chairman of the WorldSindhi Congress 1994-95.About the G M Syed Memorial Committee is a non-profit group organizedto educate the international community about G. M. Syed's message ofnon-violence, democracy, secularism, and the right toself-determination for Sindhis and other oppressed nations through thepublication of reports, books, research articles, and other works, andthe dissemination of these works on a website. It also seeks toestablish G. M. Syed Memorial Centers around the world.More Information about WSC can be found on www.worldsindhicong ress.organd for GMC visit